wlecome to Easy Furniture take what you want with *$29 down. call us.

Free delivery, you do not need credit, mattresses, bedrooms, living rooms, armchairs, recliners, dining rooms, etc.

Entrega gratis, no necesitas credito, colchones, recamaras, salas, sillones, reclinables, comedores etc..

Multimedia collage

Living Room/ Salas

Sofa, reclinable, sillon,  seccional, love seat, sectional,sofa barato y comodo, futon, sofa... 

Bedroom/ Recamaras

In our Bedroom Section we offer sizes: Twin, Full, Queen, and Kings.... 

  • Dining room/ Comedores

    Solid wood dining room, with extensions that can be put on or removed, a wide bench ideal for the whole family

    Dining room/ comedores 
  • Rocking chair / Silla Mecedora

    Excellent gift. ideal to relax and spend pleasant moments with the family.

    Excelente regalo. ideal para relajarse y pasar momentos agradables con la familia.

  • sectional

    electric sectional, comfortable, you can add more seats and configure it to suit you. ideal for the family.